Chang (Michael) Liu        刘昶
Chang (Michael) Liu        刘昶

Chang (Michael) Liu 刘昶

liu-chan19 [at] mails [dot] tsinghua [dot] edu [dot] cn
I am a fourth-year undergraduate student in the Yao Class at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Science (IIIS), Tsinghua University. As a CS major, I have a sustained passion for medical science and research interests in biomedical AI and computational biology. I aspire to integrate the power of AI (machine learning) into biomedicine to facilitate the understanding of diseases and contribute to their prevention, detection, and treatment.


Improving Target-disease Association Prediction Through a Graph Neural Network with Credibility Information
Chang Liu†, Cuinan Yu†, Yipin Lei†, Kangbo Lyu, Tingzhong Tian, Qianhao Li, Dan Zhao*, Fengfeng Zhou*, and Jianyang Zeng*
[pdf] [code]
A Probabilistic Knowledge Graph Approach for Target Identification
Chang Liu†, Kaimin Xiao†, Cuinan Yu†, Yipin Lei†, Kangbo Lyu, Tingzhong Tian, Qianhao Li, Dan Zhao*, Fengfeng Zhou*, and Jianyang Zeng*
Preparing to submit to Nature Machine Intelligence
[pdf] [code]


I am a piano virtuoso, currently a member of the Tsinghua School Art Troupe. My repertoire is primarily focused on Romantic music, especially Chopin’s. I am currently working on Chopin’s Polonaise-Fantasy in A-flat major, Op.61, and the Andante Spianato et Grande Polonaise Brillante in E-flat major, Op. 22. Both are monumental works of Chopin.
I am also an avid swimmer of professional caliber, practicing this sport as a habit for ten years.